Saturday 27 October 2012



Kind of feeling frustrated today. Friend brought me to see a cancer fella. Doctor has given up on him and given him 6 months left to get his papers, etc in order.
There I was, sitting in a Mc Donalds in Kuchai Lama, giving the herbs away for free. I am meant, what do I get in return. I drove there, quite a distance, spent on petrol and even bought my own drinks. I give away the herbs for free - man, I paid with good $$$ for them.
They were not exactly rare but it is not easy to find. I refused a single cent payment. Two of the children agreed, I almost guarantee them a cure, or at least an extension on the 6 months, a very much longer extension. Another of the children with the loudest voice and highly opinionated argued that his parent should not try anything that is not tested, verified by western doctors. He is afraid of complications.

The children got into a very heated argument and I finally said. " Your dad is dying and you are quarelling. All of you are doing it with good intentions,sadly. Cool down, go home and search yourself. Ask what do I have to gain from this? Why am I doing this? When you are ready and think that you need me, give me a call."

Sadly they call back and one of the child told me they need to preserve the peace with the strong willed one.

Another unneccessary death coming up. Complications - what complications when the doctor says you have 6 months more before the cancer gets to you. Complications - die one month earlier?

The least they could do is to at least give the parent hope. Sadly the children never told their parent the true condition. How cruel. The one affected is deemed not capable to make a decision. Again all done with good intentions. Sadly.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Kind of feeling left out, so here isthe two cents contribution. leaving it as such.